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Privacy and data
protection policy

Privacy and data protection policy

WILCO takes privacy and personal data protection very seriously. WILCO is committed to protecting user privacy and personal data in compliance with all legal requirements, in particular Regulation n°2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of this data (hereinafter General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and French Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms (hereinafter French Data Protection Act).


WILCO can be contacted by email at the following address: contact@wilco-ambitions.com


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform users about how WILCO protects the personal data collected on the site and its commitment to ensure personal user data is respected.


By providing personal data when using the site, users acknowledge that they have read the terms of this Privacy Policy.

A – What is the scope of this Privacy Policy?
The Privacy Policy applies to any individual of legal age who accesses and fills in the newsletter form and/or contact form on the WILCO website (hereinafter “user(s)”).
B – In what contexts does WILCO collect personal user data?

WILCO processes personal user data in the following situations:

● When users fill in the newsletter form and express an interest in receiving WILCO news

● When users fill in the newsletter form and express an interest in one or more of the Calls for Applications for the WILCO One program offered by WILCO

● When users fill in the newsletter form and express an interest in receiving news about one of WILCO’s 12 sectors of expertise

● When users fill in the contact form as a startup expressing interest in one of WILCO’s 12 sectors of expertise

● When users fill in the contact form as a startup expressing interest in one of the clubs run by WILCO including CMO, CTO, People Success, Alumni1 and Women’s

● When users fill in the contact form as a midcap or corporation and express interest in discussing innovation challenges with WILCO

● When users fill in the contact form as an investor to join the Investor Network and/or exchange with WILCO

● When users fill in the contact form as an Entrepreneur Mentor and show interest in WILCO by sharing their sector expertise

● When users fill in the contact form as a local collectivity and express interest in exchanging with WILCO

● When users fill in the form to register for a Q&A webinar for one of the Calls for Applications organized by WILCO

● When users fill in the form to apply for one of the Calls for Applications for the WILCO One program offered by WILCO

C – For what purposes does WILCO collect personal user data? What is the legal basis for the processing?
WILCO collects personal user data in a lawful, fair and transparent way. The main purpose of collecting personal data is to deliver services and offer users a safe, optimal, efficient and personalized experience. The table below informs users about the different categories of personal data collected by WILCO, how WILCO uses this personal data, and the legal basis – and exceptions – ensuring that the processing is justified and therefore lawful and fair.
What kind of personal data does WILCO collect?
What is the legal basis and/or exception for the processing of this personal data?
Via the contact form for startups, WILCO collects users’ first name, surname, telephone number, email address, company, position, website, business sector (from among WILCO’s 12 sectors of expertise) and the club they are interested in joining (CMO, CTO, People Success, Alumni1, Women’s or Other).
Dans le cadre du scénario du formulaire de contact dédié aux ETI/Grands Groupes, WILCO collecte les prénoms, noms, numéros de téléphone, adresses email, l’entreprise, la fonction et le type de projet d’innovation (innover dans un domaine, engagement de l’équipe dans une posture entrepreneuriale) des Utilisateurs intéressés.
Article 6 of the GDPR states that processing is lawful if the user has consented to his or her personal data being processed for one or more specific purposes.
Dans le cadre du scénario du formulaire de contact dédié aux Investisseurs, WILCO collecte les prénoms, noms, numéros de téléphone, adresses email, l’entreprise, la fonction et le type d’investisseur (Business Angel, Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital, Family Office) des Utilisateurs intéressés.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Dans le cadre du scénario du formulaire de contact dédié aux Entrepreneurs Mentors, WILCO collecte les prénoms, noms, numéros de téléphone, adresses email, l’entreprise, la fonction, les secteurs rattachés aux expertises et le lien du profil LinkedIn des Utilisateurs intéressés.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Dans le cadre du scénario du formulaire de contact dédié aux Collectivités, WILCO collecte les prénoms, noms, numéros de téléphone, adresses email, l’entreprise et la fonction des Utilisateurs intéressés.
How does WILCO use this data?
Sur quelle base juridique et/ou quelle exception repose le traitement des données à caractère personnel ?
Gérer la procédure de souscription à la Newsletter du Site des Utilisateurs intéressés pour recevoir les news générales de WILCO.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Gérer la procédure de souscription à la Newsletter du Site des Utilisateurs intéressés pour recevoir les news des appels à candidatures du programme WILCO One organisés par WILCO.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Gérer la procédure de souscription à la Newsletter du Site des Utilisateurs intéressés pour recevoir les news de certains secteurs d’expertise de WILCO (parmi 12).
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Gérer la procédure de candidature es Utilisateurs pour rejoindre le programme d’accélération WILCO One dans un des 12 secteurs de WILCO.
Gérer la procédure d’inscription des Utilisateurs en tant qu’investisseurs pour rejoindre le Réseau Investisseurs de WILCO.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Gérer la procédure d’échange des Utilisateurs via les formulaires de contact en tant qu’Entrepreneur Mentor pour devenir mentor et coacher les startups accélérées par WILCO.
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
Gérer la procédure d’inscription des Utilisateurs aux webinars Q&A des appels à candidatures organisés par WILCO. Prospection (notamment envoi d’informations liées au parcours d’accélération WILCO One rattaché et événements connectés aux secteurs d’expertise de WILCO).
Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques. Le traitement de ces données repose sur l’article 6 du RGPD qui prévoit que leur traitement n’est licite que si l’Utilisateur du Site a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques.
D – How long does WILCO keep personal user data?

Generally applicable retention periods


WILCO retains personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing. WILCO undertakes to keep personal data relating to contact forms, newsletters, Q&A webinars and/or applications for the WILCO One program for a period of two years. In the event of a dispute, WILCO reserves the right to retain any data that may be useful for the duration of the dispute, and then to place it in a separate archive for a period of 5 years once all legal options have been exhausted.

E – What rights do users have in relation to their personal data?

Conformément à la Règlementation Applicable, l’Utilisateur dispose des droits suivants sur ses données à caractère personnel :

ü Right to information: users have the right to obtain clear, transparent and easily accessible information on how WILCO uses their personal data and on their rights. This is why WILCO has drawn up the present Privacy Policy.


ü Right to access: users have the right to access personal data that WILCO holds – provided that the request is not unfounded or excessive, in particular due to its repetitive nature – and obtain a copy.


ü Right to rectification: users have the right to demand that their personal data is rectified if inaccurate or out-of-date, and/or completed if incomplete – provided that the request is not unfounded or excessive, notably due to its repetitive nature.


ü Right to delete: in certain cases, users have the right to demand that their personal data is erased or deleted. This is not an absolute right, as WILCO may be obliged to retain the user’s personal data for legal or other legitimate reasons.


ü Right to limit processing: users have the right to request that the processing of their personal data is limited, meaning that WILCO may keep the data, but may not use or process it. This right applies in particular circumstances, namely:

● When the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the user. Processing is then limited for a period allowing WILCO to verify the accuracy of the data
● When the processing is unlawful and the user objects to their personal data being deleted and instead demands that its use is restricted
● When WILCO no longer requires the personal data for processing, but the user still needs the data to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim
● When the user objects to processing based on the legitimate interests pursued by WILCO, and it is necessary to verify whether the legitimate grounds pursued by WILCO prevail over those of the user


ü Right to object to personal data processing: users may object to the processing of their personal data at any time for reasons relating to their situation, unless WILCO can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds to process the data – which override the user’s interests, rights and freedoms – or when such data is necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.


ü Right to data portability: users have the right to receive personal data that they have given to WILCO and are present in WILCO’s database, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This applies only to data that users have provided directly or indirectly, when the processing is based (i) on the user’s consent or execution of a contract and (ii) is carried out using automated processes.


ü Right to define special instructions concerning the retention, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death.


ü Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: users have the right to lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL) to challenge WILCO’s practices regarding personal data protection and privacy.


Users may, at any time, exercise these rights by sending a request to the following email address: dpo@wilco-ambitions.com

F – What duties do users have regarding personal data protection?
Users undertake to update their personal data as necessary. Users also undertake to ensure that their personal data is accurate, complete and truthful.
G – Who receives the personal user data?

WILCO undertakes to keep all personal data collected on the site and only share it in certain circumstances and in accordance with the provisions of applicable regulations.


Internally communicating personal user data: Some personal user data is accessible to WILCO’s employees if they need access to it for the purposes mentioned in point C.


Communicating personal user data to third-party service providers: WILCO may give third-party service providers acting as subcontractors access to personal user data in order to perform services relating to the site, such as hosting, storage, analysis, communication, data processing, managing forms and databases, and computer maintenance.


These service providers only act on WILCO’s instructions and will only have access to personal user data to perform the aforementioned services and will be bound by the same security and confidentiality obligations as WILCO.

H – What happens if WILCO changes this Privacy Policy?
WILCO may update this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect new practices and service offerings. In this case, the “last updated” date at the bottom of the Privacy Policy will be modified to indicate the day on which the changes were made. If WILCO updates the Privacy Policy, users will be notified via the site.
I – How can users contact WILCO in relation to their personal data?

If users have questions or comments concerning this Privacy Policy, how WILCO uses their data, or they wish to exercise any of their rights, they can contact WILCO by email at the following address : dpo@wilco-ambitions.com


Version updated on October XX, 2023

WILCO Libérateur d'ambitions