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Women’s Club

The club that brings together female founding partners in startups accelerated by WILCO, creating a space based on trust and sharing

Giving a voice to women associates
Share your entrepreneurial experience with other women.
Co-construct solutions
Imagine together answers to meet your needs and improve our support.
Build relationships and synergies
Create a collective space based on trust and sharing.
Learning and exchanging advice
Take part in quarterly meetings with experts including testimonials from othermembers.
Female CEO & Founders in our club

Women CEO/Founders

Amanda Blyau

Amanda Blyau

Cécile Chevalier-Rotmann

Cécile Chevalier-Rottman

Marie-Charlotte Frevol

Marie-Charlotte Frevol Parfait

Nathalie Rolland

Nathalie Rolland

Isabelle Verguin

Isabelle Verguin

Member startups

Member startups

Our club team

In charge of running this club

Lara Pawlicz - Club Women - 2Spark

Lara Pawlicz

2Spark Co-Founder & Women’s Club President

Amele Seghaier - WILCO Libérateurs d'ambitions

Amele Seghaier

Women’s Club Lead & Business Manager