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Sylvie Troy, Assistant Medical Director at Pfizer France, shares her experience during the tailored acceleration program in partnership with WILCO

March 9, 2022
Julia Lopez - WILCO Libérateurs d'ambitions
Julia Lopez
Content & Community Manager
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5 e-health startups benefited from a 9-month acceleration program that brought together the founder, a WILCO Entrepreneur Mentor and Pfizer Mentor. Together, they exchanged, collaborated and innovated.

Both Pfizer France and WILCO are committed to accelerating, experimenting and innovating to change patients’ lives. This is why WILCO decided to collaborate on the Pfizer Healthcare Hub France.

5 promising startups (Kiro, Klineo, Tracify, I-Virtual and Sancare) benefited from a unique double mentoring program aimed at developing their solutions and boosting their deployment on a larger scale.


Pfizer France chose to partner with an innovation acceleration like WILCO to complement their pharmaceutical expertise. With a support methodology proven since 2012 on over a thousand projects, WILCO brought entrepreneurial know-how to help the startups accelerate their growth. The founders all benefited from comprehensive operational support:

  • 360° thematic diagnosis of their startup covering operations, financing, sales, marketing/communication
  • 6 boards with the Startup Manager and a WILCO Entrepreneur Mentor focused on their entrepreneurial challenges
  • DWork sessions with the Startup Manager and a mentor from Pfizer looking at e-health market challenges
This alliance between a major corporation, innovation accelerator and startup was a huge success. This kind of collective intelligence approach accelerates technological innovation to change patients’ lives.
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As part of this support program, we issued calls for projects in the areas we’re interested in and the selected startups provided innovative solutions to address key issues.


We approached WILCO for their experience, expertise, startups sourcing, methodology and other assets, which complement our expertise in the healthcare field.


Pfizer employees were very involved in the PHH program: around 40 participated in the selection phases and 5 employees were mentors for the startups.

Sylvie Troy, Deputy Medical Director, Pfizer France

Sylvie Troy

Find out more in an exclusive interview about the Pfizer Healthcare Hub France: